Wednesday, September 2, 2009


exam is coming next week....
ottoke~~~(mean :what should i do)
previous exam i got number 2 but they didn't put all the subjects...
waahhh!!! michoseo(means: i'm going crazy)
wish me luck....


as you all know
(ofcourse you know you are my blog readers kah...kah...kah...)
many of my blog readers is from my school...
i got comment from my freind and teachers
but i want the whole world to know....
so comment on my blog
at the cbox ok?


semua org puasa macam mana?
ada tinggal lagi tak?
for me....i didn't tinggal my puasa yet huhuhuhu....

all the kid in year 1 & 2 is very energetic
they were running everywhere.....
and 1 of my friend little sister was nagging
like cosmo in fairy godparent use to say to his wife...

yeah...i would say that to her lil sis....


for the last thing i would say
thank you for reading my blog

i love u all
school girl way to success